I have always loved to create. Throughout my life it has taken many forms. It wasn't until my 30's that my passion to draw and paint took form. I worked in watercolor for a long time. Then in my 50's I took a pastel class and everything changed. This transition was a big leap, yet felt natural. The feeling of holding the chalk in my hand and the direct application of color onto the surface brought a richer experience. 

I now enjoy combining the different mediums to create a new visual harmony that other wise would have not been possible. I love working with texture , color, movement and space to create a piece that satisfies not only my eye  but something internal. 

Nature and my travels are sources of inspiration and my spiritual practice informs all my work. At this point in my life, there has been a significant shift from the external to the internal.  I still find myself going back and forth in subject matter and style, but I find the imagery is at times  more abstract. I am not certain of the source except that it is a part of the evolution of getting older and looking deeply inward. 

It is always my hope to create images that take us beyond the two dimensional realm and going where my spirit leads me.